Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity

As a Faculty Fellow with the Center for Communicating Science at Virginia Tech, I supported a new and ongoing partnership with the Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity (CEED). Starting in 2022, I have designed and led communication and collaboration workshops as a part of CEED’s summer program staff training. I also created and teach two classes for two of CEED’s residential programs for rising junior and senior high school students: Computers and Technology at Virginia Tech (C-Tech^2) focused toward girls and Black Engineering Excellence at Virginia Tech (BEE VT) focused toward Black students.

Participant Feedback

This session definitely helped us become more confident with our groups and more open which led to us being more confident within our presentations.
— BEE VT Participant
It made me go out of my comfort zone and I’m very grateful for that. It also helped me prepare for the design presentation.
— C-Tech^2 Participant
SUPER FUN!!!! Really helped my group as a whole...get to know one another and I learned new communication skills that would be useful in my personal life.
— BEE VT Participant
It was a very safe environment.
— C-Tech^2 Participant
Very relaxing and looked forward to it.
— BEE VT Participant
Ms. Epperson is amazing at what she does, and this workshop is extremely helpful!
— C-Tech^2 Participant

Workshops Developed

Communication Skills for STE(A)M Instruction

6-hour intensive to help undergraduate and graduate student staff prepare for their instructional work in CEED programs. Focus on listening, presence, confidence, community-building, distilling one’s message, finding a common language, avoiding jargon communicating the “why,” awareness of and responsiveness to audience, and age-appropriate teaching strategies.

Community and Communication

3-hour workshop to help all undergraduate and graduate student staff prepare for their work with young people in CEED programs. Focus on community building and basic communication skills including listening, empathy, confidence, and spontaneity.

Play and Performance: Building Collaboration and Communication Skills

3-hour workshop for both C-Tech^2 and BEE VT participants. Focus on community building, listening, presence, and confidence.

Guiding Question: What can play and performance teach us about communication and community building?

Playful Presentation: Preparing for Design Project Showcase

3-hour workshop to help C-Tech^2 and BEE VT participants prepare for their final design presentations. Focus on distilling one’s message, finding a common language, avoiding jargon, and communicating the “why.”

Guiding Question: How do we communicate directly and personally about our work?


Post-MFA Fellow, Virginia Tech