This is NOT a Scam

Generative Artist, Performer

Starting in 2022, I have worked with a team of artist-researchers at Virginia Tech (VT) on the “Project to Reduce Online Scams" or PROS. This collaboration between the School of Performing Arts and Sociology Department at VT uses qualitative research, documentary performance techniques, and theatre for dialogue practices to develop interactive performance that engage elder communities in conversations about scam prevention. Our original performance This is NOT a Scam toured to local care centers and libraries in the New River Valley (VA) throughout winter 2023.

This project is co-sponsored by VT’s Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology; Center for Peace Studies and Violence Prevention; and Center for Gerontology.

Click on the image to the right to watch an interview I did about This is NOT a Scam for Virginia Tech News.


My Body, No Choice (Performer)